Setup for Alexa Skills

Now that we have configured our Unity workspace, it’s time to set up the Alexa Skill!


  • A suitable Node.js development environment. The ASK SDK v1 for Node.js requires Node 4.3.2 or above.

Integrating the Games SDK for Alexa into your Alexa Skill

  1. Navigate to your skill fuction in an command prompt or terminal

  2. Install the AlexaPlusUnity package into yor skill’s function: npm install alexaplusunity

  3. Include the package in your skill with:

    var alexaPlusUnityClass = require('alexaplusunity');
  4. Create an instance of the class with:

    var alexaPlusUnity = new alexaPlusUnityClass("<YOUR_PUBNUB_PUB_KEY>", "<YOUR_PUBNUB_SUB_KEY>", true); //Third parameter enables verbose logging

That’s it! However, in order to handle the communication to and from your game, you need to use the script’s methods. See a Tutorial or the package page for more in-depth information.